Invitation to take part in training course HR Management from A to Z

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Simple Business Academy starts its HR Management from A to Z training course that also includes the HRM process: collection of theoretical and practical knowledge, document circulation, HRM strategy and corporate culture.

Three ASUE students will have an opportunity to participate free of charge. Please follow the link and fill in the application followed by a letter of motivation. Bachelor students in their 3rd and 4th year of studies and master students can take part in the competition for free places.

All ASUE students can take part in the course with 40% discount.

For more detailed information about the training, please follow the link.

Training course fee is 88.000 RA drams.
  Trainer is HRM specialist Marina Hovnanyan with 6 years of work experience in Beeline (Veon) Armenia, Hertz, Armenia Holiday, Baldi London (Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan) companies. She currently works at Armenia Wine, and Mantashyants Entrepreneurs Union.
  For details of the place and time of the course, please see the Armenian version.