For the information of ASUE freshmen

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Dear freshmen, the new 2022/2023 academic year will start on September 1 and ASUE is delighted to see you here. Traditionally, our meeting will be held in the yard of ASUE (entrance is from A. Manukyan street, near the gates), where you will be guided to your classrooms at 09:00.

Freshmen studying at the faculty of Computer Science and Statistics will be hosted by faculty leadership in Kanaker-Zeytun, P. Sevak 77. Lessons will start at 09:00 and duration will be 80 minutes.

Here is the location of university buildings, based on specialties:

  • Faculty of Management – “Management”, “Tourism”, “Service”;
  • Faculty of Economic Regulation and International Economic Relations – “Economics”, “Nature Protection”;
  • Faculty of Accounting and Audit – “Accounting and taxation”;
  • Faculty of Finance – “Finance”
  • Faculty of Marketing and Business Organization – “Marketing”;
  • Faculty of Computer Science and Statistics – “Statistics”, “Actuarial and Financial Mathematics”, “Information Technology” and the entrance is from P. Sevak street.

Dear freshmen, please get familiar with your academic syllabus here, syllabus of full-time bachelor’s degree is here.

Dear first-year master’s students, your lessons will start on September 8 and syllabus will be online 7 days before the start of the lessons.