Opportunity to participate in the training week to be held in Poland

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Within the frames of the agreement of cooperation signed between the Armenian State University of Economics and Bialystok University of Technology (Poland), the above-mentioned university invites ASUE members of the academic staff to participate in the international training week to be held from December 4 to 8, 2023.

During the training week, the academic staff of ASUE will take the advantage of exchanging their experience, considering the areas of cooperation and joint programs. During this intensive week, participants will also obtain new knowledge and establish strong partnering relations with participants from different countries.

Representatives of the academic staff should fill in the following application till October 23, 23:59.

Only ASUE full-time and concurrently working employees can apply for the program.

Applicants will get a reply from International Relations Division on the receipt of their application. Applications not duly filled in or sent after the deadline will not be considered.

In case of any further questions, please write to int.mobility@asue.am.