International training week at ASUE

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On April 16-20, an international training week will be held by the initiative of ASUE Foreign Relations Division and 11 lecturers and members of administrative staff from 8 European universities will be hosted. ASUE foreign partners will have an opportunity to get acquainted with the activities of ASUE departments and separate subdivisions like library, computer laboratories and Amberd Research Center. Issues such as the strategy of ASUE internationalization, the results of the implementation of the "Erasmus +" program as well as the peculiarities of implementation of credit mobility programs at the university will be discussed. The hosted lecturers will have lectures at different departments of ASUE. The whole agenda of the program, as well as the schedule of the lectures is available here. Lectures are open for ASUE students. Those lecturers who want to participate in the workshops can register until April 16 by sending their contact information to at the Foreign Relations Division, clearly indicating the day they will attend the meeting. It should be noted that the co-financing of the event is realized within the frameworks of "Erasmus +" program

The announcement was provided by ASUE Foreign Relations Division.