Internship Invitation

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Mykolas Romeris University is inviting doctoral students and young researchers in social sciences and humanities to an online research internship that will take place on  3-7 May 2021. During the intensive week, you will find out about digital tools for literature search and reference management, practice your academic writing in English, get useful tips on how to successfully publish research results, develop a project proposal, communicate about your research and build your personal brand and network. Besides, you will have individual consultations on your dissertation topic with the internship supervisor, free online access to MRU Library databases. Upon successful completion, you will be awarded an internship certificate.

The working language of the internship will be English. Therefore, a sufficient understanding and ability to express oneself in this language is expected.

Applications are now open! The application deadline is 22 April 2021.

The number of participants is limited.

See more information.