Invitation to Participate in a Competition by the Ministry of Finance of Armenia

View count: 28

Dear Students,

If you are between 17 and 24 years old, the Ministry of Finance of Armenia invites you to participate in an exciting competition.

Twenty-five teams will be formed, each facing unique challenges. Teams will collaborate to present their solutions in a presentation format.

Before the competition, experts from the Ministry will conduct one-day training sessions on various topics. An expert panel will then evaluate the presentations, selecting the winning team who will be invited to a brunch and participate in discussions and decision-making with the Minister of Finance, Vahe Hovhannisyan.

Teams placing 2nd and 3rd will enjoy a tour and seminar at the Ministry of Finance.

To participate, please register between September 3 and September 15 using this form.

The program is delivered in collaboration with "AS TEAM" LLC. For any questions, feel free to contact us at +374 77 222 044.