Apply for Tuition Fee Discounts

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Dear Students,

The application process for tuition fee discounts has begun in all faculties at ASUE.

According to the ASUE Academic Department, applications for partial tuition fee compensation in the form of student aid will be accepted from September 4th to October 2nd this year.

This document outlines the eligibility criteria for students who can apply for partial tuition fee compensation in the form of student aid.

We also remind you that students eligible for state-provided partial tuition compensation based on academic performance, those with a high vulnerability group score, residents of border communities receiving social support from the Republic of Armenia, participants in combat operations, and students in BA or continuous and integrated education programs with two or more minor children must submit the necessary documents by October 2, 2023.

You can find the list of required documents here and for more detailed information, please contact your faculty dean’s office.