Austrian-Armenian Contact Making Seminar

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Erasmus+ National Agency in Austria (OeAD-GmbH), together with the National Erasmus+ Offices in Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan is organizing a one-week cooperation and study trip to the three countries of the South Caucasus. The trip will serve to build and strengthen the contacts between Austrian university representatives and their counterparts in Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan.

The Study Tour to Armenia will take place on May 16-17 in Yerevan. The two-day event will be hosted by Yerevan V. Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences (May 16) and State Academy of Fine Arts of Armenia (May 17). The seminar aims to:

  • expand knowledge on higher education systems in Austria and Armenia;
  • initiate institutional efforts in organising Erasmus+ International Credit Mobilities for students (study exchange, traineeships) and for staff (teaching,training);
  • generate new Erasmus+ Capacity Building project ideas in the field of Higher Education;
  • present other funding opportunities within the Austrian Development Cooperation (APPEAR) Programme.

More information is available at press release of “Erasmus +” national office, submitted by International Relations Division of ASUE Foreign Relations Department.