Job Suggestion and Training Program Invitation

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Labor Market and Alumni Affairs Division of ASUE Foreign Relations Department informs that VivaStart Project of “Vivacell-MTS” will launch on October 1, 2019 and will be closed on December 27, 2019.

The aim of this project is to cultivate the sales of the students and service skills, whilst giving the opportunity of not only salvaging important skills theoretically, but also at a practical level. During the project you will have the opportunity of implementing your knowledge in sales, interpersonal communication, as well as acquire new knowledge and skills in the spheres of telecommunications, customer service and modern technologies. See more information.

The above mentioned Division also informs that FinTax Accounting seeks in an employee. Those, who are interested in the suggestion can send CVs via the e-mail mentioned at the approached document, mentioning “Armenian State University of Economics” as an e-mail subject.