Masterclass on Handling Objections at ASUE

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Rustam Grigoryan, an ASUE graduate and an international sales expert, will host a highly engaging masterclass on Secrets to Handling Objections in Sales on September 18 at 12:30 in Room 315 of the Department of Management.

Become a sales guru by learning how to handle objections from customers and transform them into successful deals.

During the masterclass, you will learn:

  • How to anticipate customer objections.
  • The most effective approaches to handling objections.
  • How to differentiate between complaints and valid objections.
  • How to turn objections into closed deals and increase revenue.

Rustam Grigoryan, who is the Director of “Calibri” Real Estate Agency, has successfully closed over 300 deals.

The event targets sales professionals, business people, and anyone interested in mastering the art of successful deals.

Remember that each sale starts with a ‘no’.

Entry is free but seats are available on a first-come-first-served basis. Registration is mandatory. Please, get registered here.