“How I see ASUE” photo contest

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Dear students,

ASUE Marketing and PR Division announces the photo contest “How I see ASUE” that will be held via Facebook page.

Photos that are in line with contest requirements will be published on ASUE Facebook page. Winners will be chosen based on likes their photos get from the users.

The contest will start on November 1, 2022, at 09:00 and will last will November 15, 17:30. You should send your photos to news@asue.am. Afterwards, all the photos will be published on November 18 on the university’s Facebook page. Photos will be available on the website till November 28, 17:30 and two days later, on November 30, at 12:00 the names of the winners will be announced.

Authors of three photos receiving maximum number of likes will be awarded prizes (ASUE brand sets).

For further details on participation requirements, please see the Armenian version.