Сourses on "React.JS" programming language

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Within the framework of the grant program announced by the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the RA, "Bitschool" IT and business school is implementing beginner and intermediate level courses on "React.JS" programming language co-financed by the Government

"Bitschool" IT and business school co-finances the implementation of beginner and intermediate level "React.JS" programming courses for 200 participants (150 at the beginner level and 50 at the intermediate level).

It will give beginner students the opportunity to:

  • Create dynamic and interactive React SPAs (single page application) and websites compliant with modern requirements and standards
  • Use the features of Redux.js, one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for React and not only
  • Work with RESTful APIs
  • Get acquainted with the tools used in web development such as git, GitHub, npm, Webpack, Babel, and use them correctly
  • Get acquainted with the concepts of domain/hosting and be able to place their projects in hosting

It will give the intermediate students the opportunity to:

  • Create dynamic and interactive React SPAs (single page application) and websites compliant with modern requirements and standards
  • Use the features of Redux.js, one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for React and not only
  • Work with RESTful APIs
  • Get acquainted with the tools used in web development such as git, Github, npm, Webpack, Babel, and use them correctly
  • Get acquainted with the concepts of domain/hosting and be able to place their projects in hosting
  • Deepen their Redux.js knowledge and skills by using various middle wares
  • Work on a real project, design organize Authorization and Authentication capabilities for site users, using not only Firebase technology but also creating systems using JWT Authorization on their own.

See more informtion.