Representatives of National Bureau of Expertise will held an open lesson at ASUE

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At the suggestion of students and lecturers of ASUE Marketing and Business Organization Department ASUE Lifelong Education and Career Division organizes an open lesson on "The essence, types, the issues to be expertised in the criminal-law sphere and existing problems" within the framework of the subject "Commodity Research and Quality Expertise".
Hovhannes Gabrielyan, head of the department of commodity expertise of the“National Bureau of Expertise” state non-profit organization of the RA National Academy of Sciences, experts Shushanik Movsisyan and Harutyun Tovmasyan have been invited to lecture.
The meeting will be held on October 19 at 12:30 in the 310 auditorium of the ASUE 4th Building (Department of Marketing).
You can register for participation here.
For additional information you can contact ASUE Lifelong Education and Career Division.