Research competition for students, master students and PhD students

20.03.2023 Amberd
View count: 149

"Amberd" Research Center of the Armenian State University of Economics, for the improvement the research capacity of the university and utilization of its own research potential for the benefit of the country, as well as for the implementation and publication of applied researches of public interest, attraction of students, master students and post-graduate students to its current research works, as well as for the increase of publications of researches in foreign languages, based on its consultations with external beneficiaries, announces competition for the implementation of a research program involving students, master students and post-graduates on the topic ”Impact of unification of communities in the context of overcoming the issues of uneven territorial development of RA”.

You can read the procedure for the formation of research topics and groups implemented by the center, as well as the procedures to involve graduate students and students here, and the applicationassessment sheet and information on the implementers can be read in the active links.