Scholarship competition to study at Mykolas Romeris University in Lithuania

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Mykolas Romeris University of Lithuania has announced a short-term scholarship competition and ASUE students can also apply for it. Scholarship winners will get an opportunity to study at the above-mentioned university for the duration of one semester.

The scholarship covers full tuition as well as a monthly allowance (€490). The scholarship does not cover student union and library membership fees, as well as travel and accommodation expenses.

Participants must have at least B2 level of English or Lithuanian language competence, and it must be confirmed by the sending university or any other documents certifying the level of English language competence.

Applications are accepted until May 8, 2023.

Information about the application procedure, required documents and other details can be found on the official website of the scholarship.

Syllabus and list of programs are available here.

Please take into account that on April 11, at 15:00, there will be an online informational meeting for students. Interested students can participate in the meeting by clicking the following link.