Special edition of Amberd Newsletter will introduce papers of ASUE master students and postgraduates

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Dear master students and postgraduates,

ASUE Amberd Research Center, Student Scientific Society and Postgraduate Division have launched the works of the special edition of Amberd Newsletter that will only comprise the papers of ASUE master students and postgraduates.

This initiative targets to assist the process of revival of the academic thought that is an important mission of Amberd Research Center.

Rubrics and requirements for the papers can be found in the Armenian Version.

Papers will be peer-reviewed by respective specialists.

An informational meeting will be held at Amberd Research Center on October 18, at 12:30 to introduce more detailed information.

You should submit your papers to amberd@asue.am or amberd.asue@gmail.com till November 15, at 17:30, 2022.

Authors of the published papers will get 20000 RA drams royalty (net).

For additional information please call 010-593489, 033-770101.
ASUE Amberd Research Center
ASUE Student Scientific Society
ASUE Postgraduate Division