Opportunity to study at Saint Petersburg State University of Economics

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Within the frames of the cooperation between the Armenian State University of Economics and Saint Petersburg State University of Economics (Russia), ASUE students will have an opportunity to take part in exchange program of the above-mentioned university and in case of winning the competition – to study one semester at the above-mentioned university.

Students should pay their travel expenses, insurance, as well as food and accommodation expenses. Studying at St. Petersburg State University of Economics is free for ASUE students.

Students interested in the program should fill in the following application till November 20, 23:59.

Applicants will get a reply from International Relations Division on the receipt of their application. Applications not duly filled in or sent after the deadline will not be considered.

In case of any further questions, please write to cooperation.asue@gmail.com

For more detailed information about the requirements, please see the Armenian Version.