Note: an Opportunity to Participate in the Student International Summer Tent Camp

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Artsakh State University invites ASUE 2 students to participate in student international summer tent camp on July 22-27 or from July 28 to August 3, 2019 in Patara village, Artsakh, where they will also have the opportunity to participate in official meetings, lectures, debates and discussions on urgent themes, cognitive campaigns, excursions, sports and cultural programs.

Artsakh State University will cover all the expenses of the participants while staying in Artsakh.

The program is open for students of

· the 1st, 2nd, 3rd years of ASUE full-time Bachelor’s degree or the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th years of part-time Bachelor’s degree,

· the 1st year of ASUE full-time Master’s degree or the 1st and 2nd years of part-time Master’s degree.

Application deadline is May 13, 2019. The interested candidates should send the below mentioned documents to ASUE Foreign Relations Division via

• a certificate from the Dean's office, approved by the Dean of the Department,

• motivation letter with 100-150 words. You need to answer the following 2 questions (note that motivation letters will be checked through a special program to determine their autonomy):

1. What do you expect from your participation in summer school camp?

2. How will it promote to your future career development?

In case of receiving more than 2 applications, the participants will be selected by draw.

In the field of subject of the e-mail You need to mention “Summer Tent Camp”. To ensure, that the application is accepted the applicant will receive a response message within one working day. Incorrect, as well as post-deadline applications will not be considered.

For more information contact ASUE Foreign Relations Division via