Competition for the Implementation of a Grant Research Project by the "Amberd" Research Center

16.04.2024 Amberd
View count: 67

ASUE "Amberd" Research Center, dedicated to advancing the research capabilities of the university and leveraging its research potential for the benefit of state interests, is committed to the execution and dissemination of applied research of public importance. In pursuit of this objective, the center seeks to engage university academic staff, students, master students and post-graduate scholars in ongoing research endeavors concurrently enhancing the publication of foreign language research works. As a result of consultations with external stakeholders, the center is pleased to announce a tender for the implementation of a grant research project entitled «Research on the Construction Materials Market of the Republic of Armenia, focusing on the Rebar Circulation Sector».

Please get familiar with the process of the formation of research topics and groups implemented by the "Amberd" Research Center, as well as the procedures for the engagement of graduate and undergraduate students in such initiatives here. Detailed guidelines and supplementary materials can be accessed via the provided links in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2.