The Armenian Educational Foundation announces a scholarship competition

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The Armenian Educational Foundation announces its scholarship competition for the new 2023-2024 academic year. Scholarships will be awarded totaling 90% of tuition fees for the given academic year (AEF cannot exceed the threshold of AMD 720,000) so as to encourage and support high achievers as well as financially disadvantaged students studying in the AEF’s list of preferred specialties.

Students planning to enter state universities of Armenia (full-time, on paid education system) on September 1, 2023 can participate in the competition (studying at schools at the time of application process), as well as senior students and master's students.

Citizens of Armenia, Syrian Armenian and Lebanese Armenian students, as well as Armenian students living in Artsakh and Javakhk, whose grade point average is at least 15, 3, 7 or 75, can participate in the scholarship competition. Students that participated in the war, were injured and lost a family member due to it can apply for the scholarship competition showing the following academic performance: 20/14, 10/6.5, 4/2.8, 100/74.

In case of interest in the competition, please complete the online application.

The competition will be held from March 13 to May 3.

For further details and additional information, please write to our email: or call +374 11531485.