Fiscal policy and structural assessment Budzhet RA

One of the most important factors influencing in main macroeconomic parameters is considered active use of fiscal instruments in the process of regulation of social-economic shares of regional and branch development. Importance of state charges and taxes in the process of ensuring macroeconomic stability explains opportunity their purposeful impact on economic processes. Evaluation of the macro consequences of fiscal policy impossible without presence of estimates of potential GNP as influence assessment discrete – active policy of the government need to carry out considering influence of business cycles. The last is very important especially for development of Anti-crisis Policy and for mitigation of the consequences ofcrisis.In the same time it’s obvious, that only this policy can't solve all problems of economy. Under the influence of macroconsequences of fiscal policy necessary to consider as short-term impact on a social-economic condition of the country, especially on economic growth, and more long-term impact on potential level of GNP and on structure of economy. The main objective of the presented research is analysis of fiscal policy of the government of RA during the 2000−2012 period and how this policy was to find out stabilizing, and also the special attention was turned to the main calls of fiscal policy of the country.
Within this research the following solutions of the problems are proposed. 
1. To distinguish in the fiscal sphere contemplate changes caused by decisions of Government
2. Periodic changes caused by changes of stages of business activity
What kind of must be motivation?
• Real meaning of economic parameters unlike a stationary or stable state of growth most often are exposed to fluctuations. 
• Except the theory of growth necessary such theory that will be able to explain these fluctuations of economic parameters. 
• Traditionally fluctuations of economic parameters were explained by change of general offer. 
• Short-term fluctuations and long-term dynamics were explained in a different way 
• Thus, it’s necessary to build a communication evaluation between growth of economic parameters and short-term fluctuations for Armenia 
Steps for solution of problems 
1. for calculation of real GNP the following methods are chosen 
• Trend and fluctuations 
• production function 
• Hodrick–Prescott filter - HP- filter 
• Kalman filter method 
2. Тhe analysis of stabilizing function of fiscal policy Measurement of the indicator of means of fiscal impulse - FIM
