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In the  framework of  "Creation and  strengthen  of the  national quality assurance system" grant program  of   the World   Bank's "Quality and relevance of education" credit  program, Armenian State University of Economics implements competition  for  creating   ASUE System of Quality Assurance  for  implementation of consulting works.

 The  organization,  implementing  consulting works should:

  • develop ASUE quality assurance mechanisms and  the  order  of their  use,
  • form a framework for ASUE quality assurance,
  • develope ASUE quality assurance policy and procedures,
  • develop quality assurance mechanisms for feedback,
  • review ASUE quality assurance policy and procedures,
  • develope the  materials of workshop with "Use of quality assurance mechanisms" theme,  
  • analyze  the  materials of workshop with "Use of quality assurance mechanisms" theme,  
  • organize  the  materials  of workshop with "Use of quality assurance mechanisms" theme,
  • develope the  materials  of  workshop with "Development  of  mechanisms for feedback" theme,
  • analyze  the  materials  of  workshop with "Development  of  mechanisms for feedback" theme,
  • organize  the  materials  of  workshop with "Development  of  mechanisms for feedback" theme.

 The  order  of  applying 

For  offering  consulting works  the  organization should present reliable information  concerning to activities' experience and potential.

The  organization should get the  package of demanded documents  from A. Pakhlyan, the  main  specialist of   Quality Assurance  Division, the  main  building of ASUE, room 320. The  applications  are  accepted from 05.07.2012 till 16.07.2012.

 For  more  information you can apply to  ASUE Quality Assurance  Division  or  call   (010)589510.