A competition for studying in Slovak universities

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The  RA  Ministry  of  Education and  Science  announces  a  competition  for  studying  in Slovak  Universities  in  2012-2013  education  year  for receiving  Bachelor  and  Master  Degrees (one  scholorship) for  the  following  professions:




-Dental surgery

-Business and Management

-Ecology and Environment




-Management of  Water Resources 

- Management of Education / Pedagogy

-Social Sciences

-Construction, manufacturing and communication

18-26  years  old  graduates (Citizen  of  the  RA)  of  secondary schools  and  Universities  can participate  in  the  competition:

Applicants  who  have  a  claim on  scholorships  must  present:

-Application for participation, where the  chosen profession   must  be  mentioned

-An application

-An  application  presented  by  Slovakia

-2 photos in 3x4 size

-Copy of the passport

-Signed CV (English)

-2 recommendation (English)

-A medical certificate according to  the  presented  form 

-Copy  of  the birth certificate:  translated  in  English,  French,  Spanish or Slovak  by  the  notary  and  conferred  by  the  RA  Ministry  of  Justice

-Copy  of   school graduation certificate/ inset of  Bachelor  Diploma:  translated in  English,  French,  Spanish or Slovak  by  the  notary  and  conferred  by  the  RA  Ministry  of  Justice

-Males  should  present  copy  of  military  identification  card

The competition is held on 

-Education  program of  Bachelor  according to  the  order  of  the  RA  High Education  Institutes

-Education  program  of  Master  according to the education  order  of  the  RA  High Education  Institutes  of  Master  admission

Deadline  is  04.05.2012.

The  competition  for  bachelor  and  Post Graduate  will  take  place  in  the  secondary  school after John  Kirakosyan  in  Yerevan (Aygestan 9, st. 4)  on May 7-16.

For  more  information  you  can  apply  the  International  Relations  and  Diaspora Division  of  the  RA  Minisry  of Education and  Science  (Yerevan,  the  3rd  Building of Government,    the  4th  floor,  room 619,  010 56 23 64).

The  website  of   the  RA  Ministry  of  Education and  Science  informs  about  this.