Neuromarketing in Business

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On April 13 and 16, at 16։00-19։00, a two-day training on “Behavioral Models of Consumers: Neuromarketing in Business” will be held at ASUE. Participants will get certificates in the end of the training.

The trainer Ani Kyureghyan (Linkedin) is an expert of behavioral marketing, has an experience of 15+ years of teaching as well as experience in marketing management and neuromarketing research fields. In 2016, she founded the first neuromarketing company in Armenia, Neurohub that is an exclusive leader in its sphere.

Course format is offline

Participation fee - 18 000 RA drams

30% discount for ASUE employees and students and 10% discount for ASUE graduates.

· For information on course programs, please follow the link.
· Registration link is here.