International Seminar and Training Invitation

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On September 5-6, “Erasmus +” Higher Education Experts Group of Armenia and Northern University host international seminar and training entitled “Holistic Approach to University Management and Governance and Shared Responsibility for Outcomes”. Dr. Paul O’Leary (Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland) is invited.

For registration send a letter to the moderator HERE expert Prof. Dr. Lusine Fljyan, mentioning “HERE Seminar” as an e-mail subject.

Working Language: English /translations from English to Armenian and from Armenian to English/. Please, fill in the University, position, and contact information in your letter.

Venue: Northern University, Alek Manukyan 15a, Armenia, 6th floor, conference hall.

The information is submitted by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the RA.

See more information.