Academic Thought Serves Public Administration. Amberd Center Ended the Public Discussions

26.12.2020 Amberd
View count: 653

AMBERD Research Center announced the launch of a series of public discussions on its research topics on December 1. Various topics were on the agenda of the announced discussions: peculiarities of inter-community cooperation, problems of RA wheat flour markets, garbage collection sector, prospects of RA territorial administration system, opportunities of e-commerce development, factors negatively affecting Armenia's economy, evaluation of educational institutions, Armenia-China economic cooperation perspectives, food security, labor market issues of the Republic of Armenia, applied solutions of artificial intelligence in the financial infrastructure of the Republic of Armenia, management of medical organizations with state participation, opportunities for the development of agro-tourism.

On December 24, the discussions on 13 research topics ended.

While being interviewed Davit Hakhverdyan mentioned that although the online format of discussions creates certain limitations, nevertheless the discussions were successful, 10 out of 13 research topics were conducted at the suggestion of external stakeholders, particularly public administration bodies, whose representatives participated in the discussions. "There have been interested discussions, suggestions have been made, which we will try to reflect in the research. Some of the stakeholders, such as the RA SCPEC and Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, have already applied the results of our research in their activities, which is very gratifying. "The main merit of what has been done is that the academic mind serves public administration by incorporating scientifically sound elements into public policy"; noted the center's Director.

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