Lessons at our University will start on February 9, the schedules are available on ASUE official website

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A new academic year will start at ASUE in some days. The lessons of the 2nd half of  the 2017-2018 academic  year  for Full-Time Bachelor’s and Full-Time Master’s Program will start on February 9.

The schedules have already been confirmed, so you can find them here.

The lessons of the 2nd half of the 2017-2018 academic year  for Part-Time Programs will start on February 26.

ASUE Educational Division informs that tuition fees discount applications for the 2nd semester be accepted from February 9 to March 12. The regulation of the approriation of student, state and nominal scholarship at ASUE you can find here: http://media.asue.am/upload/2017_docs/npastneri_kanonakarg_22.06.2016.pdf.

Now it’s examination period at the university which will be summed up on February 22.

Schedules of retaken exams are available here http://www.asue.am/en/departments/schedule-of-exams-409/schedule-of-exams-2898 .

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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