834 Entrants Have Been Admitted to ASUE: List of Entrants – Online

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The  results  of full-time  Bachelor’s degree admission for the 2017-2018 academic year  have been summed  up.

ASUE has carried out  admission of 11 specialties, 1016 entrants have been registered with the total of two stages, 834 of them have been admitted.

Vadim Grigoryan, the Executive  Secretary of ASUE Admission Committee,  have submitted the list of entrants, which is available online.

Note: ASUE Yeghegnadzor  Branch has 23 entrants, Gyumri Branch – 58 ones.

We warmly congratulate ASUE freshmen.

ASUE will meet the  freshmen on the Knowledge Day.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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