Amberd center celebrates its 10th anniversary. Selected works of Amberd newsletter have been published

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ASUE "Amberd" research center celebrates its 10th anniversary, and on this occasion, Amberd Selected works are presented to its readers, comprising two dozen papers published in previous years that are still relevant.

"Ten years ago, on the initiative of honorable people, the "Amberd" research center was established at Armenian State University of Economics that currently generates scientific and research thought and acts as a unique business card of our educational institution," ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan had an address in the foreword of this edition of the journal.

Davit Hakhverdyan, director of ASUE "Amberd" research center, proudly points out that during these years, scientists known at ASUE and beyond the republic and its borders, have published their papers in "Amberd" newsletter, leading to the popularity of the journal.

In the edition of selected works that is a "unique statement of the journal’s main activities" the following rubrics are included: "Armenia and world", "Financial system", "Fiscal milestone", "Urban economy", " Markets and Competition", "Geo-economic Chronicle", "Geo-political Chronicle", "Security and Challenges", "International Law" and "Vision of Armenian Society".

Please read the Amberd newsletter’s selected works here.

We congratulate the 10th anniversary of ASUE "Amberd" research center wishing you decades full of scientific and creative progress.