AMBERD Research Center Summed Up 2020 Activities and Published the Annual Report

04.03.2021 Amberd
View count: 503

ASUE AMBERD Research Center has published the annual report summarizing the activities of the previous year within the framework of the multifaceted activities of the center, the achievements, the cooperation, involvement in international and local projects, expert activities, research, publications, etc.

Davit Hakhverdyan, Director of the Center, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, noted that the 2020 was a difficult year for the whole world, especially for the Republic of Armenia, caused by the war and the coronavirus. "The challenges facing Armenia have been at the core of the articles published in AMBERD bulletin. 10 of the 14 research topics conducted by the Center were suggested by public administration bodies. 3 researches were carried out exclusively by the research groups consisting of ASUE students and post-graduate students. AMBERD has made unprecedented progress in the ranking of "Best Think Tanks in the Central Asia", improving its position by 9 places at once, occupying the 50th place, and retaining its position among the world best University Think Tanks, occupying again 94th place”; the Director of the Center noted.

The Armenian and English reports are available via the active links.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division