Status of associate member of EUSA was granted to ASUE

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On October 23, 2023, the General Assembly of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) granted the status of an associate member of EUSA to the Armenian State University of Economics.

Universities that have the status of an associate member of EUSA can enjoy all the benefits as stated in the guide of the organization.

Hovhannes Gabrielyan, Head of ASUE Chair of Physical Education, Emergency Situations and Civil Protection, during his interview to underlined: “In 2022, decision was made to involve universities in the association. Thus, member universities can participate in EUSA events and become organizers as well. ASUE has become a co-organizer of the European University Chess Championship planned to be held in Armenia in 2025, and it will host the meeting of the institution’s executive body in 2024 in Yerevan.