Wishing success to ASUE 2022-2023 academic year graduates

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Today was a memorable and important day for the graduates of the University of Economics. ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan was next to the graduates all day long, wishing them all success and embracing them with warmth.

The official graduation ceremony of ASUE bachelor’s and master’s students took place in the university's nicely decorated hall, and each graduate received their diploma on its stage.

President of RA, Chairman of ASUE Council Vahagn Khachaturyan, CEOs of ASUE partner organizations, representatives of academic and administrative staff of the university, parents, and students were present at the ceremony.

While congratulating the graduates, Vahagn Khachaturyan urged them to trust in their own strength and believe that great success will still hit and always remember that every difficult situation has its solution.

Congratulating the heroes, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan underlined that for decades the names of ASUE graduates have been mentioned in the republic and beyond. "I have personally witnessed your educational and professional success, encouraged and motivated you. I am especially delighted to see your single-mindedness, willpower, and ability to rise to challenges” - Diana Galoyan pointed out.

According to university tradition, the deans of the faculties also had surprises for the graduates. They awarded graduates with different prizes and certificates.

Graduates of ASUE College of Finance and Economics have also received their diplomas at the university during the official ceremony.

Thus, 687 full-time graduates have received their professional qualification from the University of Economics: 618 bachelor's degree graduates (144 with honors), and 69 master's degree graduates (41 with honors).

Please see the photo series of the event at ASUE Facebook page.