ASUE Hosted the Professor of the University of Porto

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Today, Emilia Robelo, professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, the University of Porto, was hosted at ASUE within the frames of “Erasmus +” program and delivered lectures for the 3rd year students of Economics specialty.

During the introductory training on “Environmental Economics” she spoke about international experience in regulation of land relations, environmental impact assessment of real estate and land market, modern methods of natural resource assessment (in particular approaches to the development of urban land pricing) as well as "green engineering". The training was attended by Gagik Aghajanyan, Head of the Chair of Environmental Economics at ASUE.

Emilia Robelo will deliver an eight-hour-lecture on environmental economics for students of Faculty of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations.

ASUE International Relations Division informs that it’s planned to host other lecturers from partner Universities within the frames of “Erasmus +” program during this semester.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division