ASUE and "Green Rock Management Group" LLC are partners

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The University of Economics and "Green Rock Management Group" LLC are partners from now on, and this interaction includes joint seminars, discussions, open door lessons, training courses, student internship and many other programs for the benefit of students’ high performance.

We should underline one more important initiative. ‘Green Rock Management Group’ is an international company that implements large-scale business and social projects and it plans to renovate and reconstruct the park adjacent to our university, which is part of the Circular Park. ASUE will also participate in that project.

On November 7, these agreements were confirmed by signing a Memorandum of Cooperation by ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan and Company Director Varazdat Nersisyan.

Welcoming the start of the partnership, ASUE rector underlined that social and corporate responsibility is strategically important for our university, and the university is ready to partake in that project.

Director of the company Varazdat Nersisyan expressed his gratitude for the willingness to cooperate and introduced the park reconstruction project.