ASUE Representatives Participated in Public Discussion on the Strategy of Territorial Development of the RA

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On December 6, public discussion of preliminary summary of Armenia's territorial development strategy for 2019-2025 was held attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure of the Republic of Armenia, Aragatsotn Regional Administration, local self-government bodies, NGOs. Head of the Chair of Macroeconomics at ASUE, PhD in Economics Karen Grigoryan and Associate Professor at the same Chair Tsovinar Karapetyan represented ASUE and have made a number of methodological and scientific suggestions for improving the strategy draft. Karen Grigoryan and Tsovinar Karapetyan expressed their readiness to participate in the development and discussion of developing strategies of private regions.

More information on the discussion is available at the official website of Aragatsotn Regional Administration under “News” section.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division