Awareness Seminars at ASUE: What to Do in State of Emergency?

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Awareness-raising seminars on sheltering the population in case of an "Air Alarm" signal during the enemy's attack have been launched at the University of Economics, with the participation of representatives of the University's academic and administrative staffs.

Yesterday, such a seminar was held at the Faculty of Marketing and Business Organization, today at the Faculty of Finance.

Associate Professor at the Chair of Physical Training, Emergency Situations and Civil Defense, ASUE Civil Defense Function Manager Siranush Harutyunyan submits important information within the frames of the course on moving to the shelters after the signal, avoiding panic as much as possible, organizing the civil defense at the highest possible level.

Lecturer Neda Petrosyan explains the ways of providing first aid in case of fractures, wounds and other body injuries, which can save human lives.

It is planned to organize such seminars in other ASUE Faculties.

We wait for with a trembling heart the sky of our homeland to be peaceful soon.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division