Encouraging Volunteering: ASUE Rector Awarded Student Volunteers

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Dozens of student volunteers were actively involved in the Job Fair organized at ASUE on October 8. Demonstrating a high level of responsibility in the work entrusted to them, the volunteers did their best to ensure that the annual Fair was held at a high level.

The devotion of student volunteers was greatly evaluated by ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan. On November 24, the Rector awarded students with certificates, expressed gratitude and noted that she was proud of everyone, who made great efforts in organizing the event, demonstrtaed high responsibility in the work entrusted to him/her.

"Volunteering is one of the most important requirements for employment and you can gain your first experience during your student years within the frames of volunteering. I am sure that it will give you a lot of experience and skill, which will help you while working in different organizations in the future"; ASUE Rector said, emphasizing the high quality of volunteering, which was not missed even by the representatives of the employers participating in the Fair.

“The work you do is always up-to-date and required, I hope that this certificate issued by ASUE will help you in the future, both when hiring and in other activities"; Diana Galoyan stated.

Thus, about 5 dozen students representing different ASUE Faculties and courses were awarded certificates for the charitable work. The latter used the opportunity and hurried to take photos with their beloved Rector.

Let’s recall, on October 8, a Job Fair was held at ASUE, where more than 50 employers presented their vacancies. The volunteer work of organizing the Job Fair was entrusted to the University students.