Businesswoman Success Story

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ASUE lecturers invite successful businessmen to exchange their experience, to provide non-textbook knowledge on business management, to encourage the youth to search and bring business ideas to life. Today, Anna Vardanyan, Assistant Professor at the Chair of Finance, PhD in Economics, hosted Armenuhi Khachatryan, the owner and director of Blizzard Catering Company, ASUE alumni, to speak about her success story within the frames of “Psychology of Management” course.

Armenuhi Khachatryan used her entrepreneurial, leadership and management skills to establish a small business, which later on has grown and became one of the leaders of Armenian market. The businesswoman emphasized that it is easier to fulfill business ideas today than it was a few years ago and urged students to use the technological advantages of the 21st century. She also called for disregarding stereotypes which underestimate women's potential and managerial skills.

Lecturer Anna Vardanyan expressed views on the discussed issues. While being interviewed, she expressed the hope that the open lecture will serve its purpose, that is, to increase students' motivation and improve their practical skills.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division