Ideathon was finalized: "We believe in the power of an idea and the potential of every student"

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On December 14 and 15, the Armenian State University of Economics, the International Telecommunications Union and the Union of Operators of Armenia jointly held Ideathon entitled "How to create your own startup, from idea to attracting investments" being held at our university and ASUE students took part in it.

ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan held a welcome speech: "ASUE prioritizes the development of entrepreneurship among students, and our main mission is to build culture that students not only dream, but also realize those dreams."

Director of the "Union of Operators of Armenia" NGO Kristine Gyonjian also welcomed the students. "A very important project has been launched, that will prepare students for the new era, where the work environment has changed and been enriched with new technologies."

Students investing all their knowledge obtained in their own startup ideas, introduced them in front of the commission that consisted of the director of the "Union of Operators of Armenia" NGO Kristine Gyonjian, the Executive Director of Future Laboratory Medea Janjghavan, the Director of ASUE Department of External Relations Lusine Danielyan and Head of Lifelong Learning Division Grisha Amirkhanyan.

As a result of intense competition, the 3rd place was taken by 2 startup ideas: and NearEd, the 2nd place was taken by ReEducate, and the 1st place was taken by CaseCrafters.

The authors of the winning ideas received cash prizes of 500, 400 and 300 US dollars, respectively, and all participants received certificates of participation.

Photos of Ideathon are on ASUE Facebook official page.