International scientific conference at ASUE: issues of environmental protection and social management were discussed

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On December 12, an international conference was held at the Armenian State University of Economics that was jointly organized by ASUE, the Russian Consortium for Sustainable Development and Technological Leadership, and the Institute of Scientific Communications (ISC) entitled "ESG agenda in the context of geopolitical and economic changes". All the above-mentioned organizations, as well as scientists of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia, universities, research institutes, representatives of non-governmental organizations, and banks took part in the conference.

ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan held an opening speech, pointing out: “We are honored to host such an international conference, which provides an opportunity to underline the willingness of the University of Economics to contribute to economic research and economic education.

Yelena Popkova, the President of the Institute of Scientific Communications of the Russian Federation, held a welcome speech. She strongly believes that the reports included in the agenda of the conference will help to understand and improve the environmental and social management issues of the world.

The conference that had an offline and online format comprised presentations addressing important and urgent issues, and at the core were environmental and social governance (ESG) issues.

Director of ASUE "Amberd" Research Center, Professor Davit Hakhverdyan in the closing speech of the conference highly appreciated the activities of the organizers and speakers on behalf of the university, expressing his hope that the event will significantly contribute to the expansion of international relations and the internationalization of the scientific thought.

Photo series of the event are on ASUE Facebook official page.