New Horizons of Cooperation: ASUE Delegation’s Visit to Edinburgh

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On December 3-7, 2018, ASUE delegation headed by Rector Koryun Atoyan, included Diana Galoyan, Head of the Chair of International Economic Relations, Doctor of Sciences, Professor and Vard Ghukasyan, Head of ASUE Foreign Relations Division, was hosted at Edinburgh Napier University.
A number of meetings have been conducted within the frames of the visit, during which our colleagues had reached agreements according to which the cooperation between two universities will be continued and expanded in the future. ASUE delegation headed by the Rector was hosted by Vice Rectors of Edinburgh Napier University Alisteyr Sambell, Alison Toby, there was also a meeting with Grant MacCheron, educational director of the University Business School, with whom negotiations have been conducted since the previous year to carry out a joint master program.
The sides have reached agreement to bring all the arrangements into the final stage, as a result of which a memorandum of cooperation will be signed and the project will launch next year.
Meeting was held with Dr. Kirill Sharapov, Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, and Dr. Favad Khalil, a lecturer at the same University Business School. The main purpose of the meeting was the development of the joint application for the "Horizon 2020", which will be presented to the upcoming available funding.
As a result of the discussion with the International Cooperation Division, an agreement was reached to apply to “Erasmus +” Key Action 1 within the scope of available applications filed in 2018. The parties also discussed and came to agreement to join the submitted application within the framework of the “Erasmus +” Key Action 2.
The general idea of the application has been discussed in detail and it will be finalized within the coming month.
Diana Galoyan, Head of the Chair of International Economic Relations, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, held a lecture on “International Trade Theories and Economic Development” at the Business School of Edinburgh Napier University. And Vard Ghukasyan conducted a presentation for the professors at the Business School of Edinburgh Napier University, presenting general information about ASUE, current international programs and experience, “AMBERD” research center and main research directions.
ASUE delegation has returned with good impressions: our colleagues express hope that the visit will become a new direction of cooperation.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division