How to read and learn fast: students develop skills

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.In the training center organized by our students, topics mostly connected with learning processes are discussed. Regular training seminar was held on the topic "How to read fast". As an initiative of the Student Council today dozens of students improved their quick and effective reading skills. Presentation was made by first year student of Marketing department Marine Alexanyan.

At the beginning of the seminar a game was held, which determined the average reading speed of students, (the number of words read per minute). For these criteria, the readers were divided to 3 groups: slow reader, good reader, fast reader.

Next, the steps that contribute to the rapid reading were listed. The seminar was held in question-answer format.

In an interview with us the representative of SC Grigor Voskerchyan said that the theme was chosen at the suggestion of the student Marina Aleksanyan.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.