ASUE scientists as participants of "Njdeh Readings" Programs

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Official website of YFA informs that Youth Educational NGO "Asxarhadzor" has implemented an educational-informative program entitled "Njdeh Readings" from March to September. The program was organized within the framework of grants allocated by the Youth Foundation of Armenia during the youth exhibition "Looking into the Future 2014". 

The program was attended by many young people, students, and members of various NGOs. The professors of our university, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Valery Mirzoyan, and the head of the Chair of Philosophy and Armenian History, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Aram Sargsyan gave lectures.

Lecture-discussions devoted to Garigin Njdeh were organized each week: known philosophers, politicians, public figures presented the main directions of thought and literary heritage of Njdeh, who was an intellectual, political and military figure and philosopher.

Photos are taken from the official website of the YFA.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.