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Today, presentation of “Motivation of Education” research  group was  held at  ASUE  Conference  Hall,  which  was  attended  by Vice-rector  of  Science  and  International Relations  Gagik  Vardanyan,  lecturers,  students.

Research  group  director is Vice  Dean  of the  Department of  Management, Candidate  in Economics, Associate Professor  Mary  BADALYAN, members are Candidates in Economics, Associate Professors Lilit DADAYAN, Marine NIKOGHOSYAN, MA  students Lusine HOVHANNISYAN, Asya PETROSYAN, Ani HOVHANNISYAN.

The  research  topic is “Problems  of  increasing motivation in higher  education”.

Gagik Vardanyan made  opening  remark  and  mentioned  that it’s  already  the 7th  research group’s  presentation  and, in fact, these  are introductory  ones. The  Vice-rector  stressed  that the  research  groups  will  present  tangible  results  next  year.

First,  Mary  Badalyan stated  the choice  of  the topic, quoting  “Gagik  Vardanyan’s “Knowledge-based economy”   book,  introduced research group  members,  work  division between them,  research goals, objectives, the object, the expected result.

Then the  Associate  Professor  spoke about the  motives  influencing the effectiveness of the teaching staff, their classification (intermediate and advanced).

Then Marine  Nikoghosyan presented report  and  referred  to duration of  the  research,  conducted activity.

MA  student Lusine Hovhannisyan reported  on  the  RA  Education,  particularly higher education system.

In this  context,  HEIs  in the  RA, Universities, structure of  Faculties  in the  RA, as well as  ASUE  Faculty  and  structure,   dynamics  of  salary (2007-2013) were  touched upon.

MA  student Asya  Petrosyan referred  to  financial resources  of  Universities, allocation of the  RA  state  budget to  education sector  (2011-2013), the  staff  and  structure  of  ASUE  financial  accesses (2011-2013).

Summarizing the  seminar Mary  Badalyan  mentioned that   they  tried  to  present briefly the main tasks  set before  the  group, and  the main  part of  the  research  would  be presented  during the  next  presentation. The  director  noted that  they  also  study  motivation problems  of  young  lecturers and  this  part of the  research  would    be  presented  soon.

P.S.  The  last  presentation of  this  year  will  be  held  tomorrow,  on December 24, at 15:00: that’s  of “Insurance  of  Agricultural Risks”  research  group.


ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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