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Today, a  presentation of “Network Economy” research  group  was  held  at  ASUE  Conference  Hall,  which  was  attended  by   Vice-rector  of  Science  and  International  Relations  Gagik  Vardanyan, members  of  Faculty,  students.

Gagik  Vardanyan   highlighted  the  role  and  importance  of  “Network Economy”.

Note, that the research  topic is “Assessment  and  development  issues  of  backgrounds for  forming network  economy  in the  RA”.  The  research  group  director  is the Head of  the  Chair  of  Economic Computer  Science  and Information Systems, Professor Vardan SARGSYAN, group members  are  Candidate  in Economics, Associate  Professor  Grigor ARKELATYAN, PhD  student Rafayel SEDRAKYAN, MA  students Lianna SARGSYAN  and Ella  AGHABABYAN.

Vardan Sargsyan  briefly presented the  work conducted  by  the  group  and mentioned that  it is  still  in initial  stage in terms  of  research.

Group members  reported on models of formation of the network economy in Armenia and the relationship with economic growth, problems of formation of the network information security system in RA, Investigation of the effects of ICS on the business environment of RA  and  etc.

Gagik  Vardanyan, Dean of  the  Department of  Regulation of Economy 
and International Economic Rеlations  Atom Margaryan,  Head of  Science  Division Khoren Mkhitaryan made  observations  and  raised  questions.




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