ASUE Hosted Students of Artsakh University (photos)

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The  cooperation agreement  signed between Armenian State University of Economics  and  Artsakh State University aimed  at providing educational, scientific, logistical support, conducting students joint camps  and summer schools, student conferences, Olympiads, sport events in the  Republic  of  Armenia  and NKR, gradually becoming productive.

In addition to outgoing  lectures  held  by our  University lectures students of Artsakh University   are  hosted  at ASUE.

Today another  group  of  students visited our  University. ASUE  Rector,  Professor Koryun Atoyan, Vice Rectors Gagik Vardanyan, Mikhail Karapetyan, Vahe Mikayelyan, Dean of  the  Department of Finance, met  the students at the  entrance  of the  University.

Koryun Atoyan welcomed the students  and  noted  that ASUE  is  always  open  for both  the  students and  lecturers  of  Artsakh University.

Gagik Vardanyan  stated  that this  visit  could  be  considered  non-traditional learning and they will be introduced to the University's infrastructure, the exam system, “AMBERD” Research Center, the educational process. Vahe  Mikayelyan  invited students  to the  Department of  Finance, and  Karine Mikayelyan, Associate  Professor of  the  Chair  of  Finance, introduced the list of training  courses, educational nuances.



ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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