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Scientific seminar  entitled  “Results  of   Socio-demographic  Migration” took  place  today  at “AMBERD” Research Center  within  the  framework  of “Labor Migration”  research  direction,  the  main  speaker  of the  topic  was  the  Head of  the  direction Doctor  in Economics, Associate  Professor  Zoya  Tadevosyan.

The  research  team  presented their studied  researches with  separate components  during the  seminar. The  RA  demographic status  was  analyzed  and  existing  problems were  stressed.

The research  team valued especially  the  role  of  human  capital  in development of knowledge  based  economy. The  indexes characterizing natural population growth of the  RA were  spoken about /birth, death  rate/,  the   main features of the dynamics of demographic indexes  in the  RA  in 1960-2011  were  mentioned.

The  Vice-Rector  of  ASUE  Science and  International  Relations  Gagik  Vardanyan, commenting on the discussed issues, mentioned  that they’re  very actual, the  research team had  done  a  good  job  and  had  also involved  students.

The  Director  of  “AMBERD”  Research Center  Samvel  Avetisyan  expressed  gratitude  to the  research  team  for  the  reports  and  mentioned  that  the  topic  interested  everybody  and was very  important. “Migration is a phenomenon which  is  unique for all times, hence, it’s  important  to  find  out  its  motives in specific conditions  and  to guide  the  policy to  regulate them”, added  the Director.

The main speaker  of the  seminar  Zoya  Tadevosyan  told  ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division; “Today, our  research team  presented the  theoretical part  of  the  topic,  and  the  practical  one will  be  presented  soon, where  the qualitative assessments of migratory phenomena  since  1988  will  be  introduced”.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division