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Free two-month-course in English  organized  by  initiative  of  students  of  American  University  in Armenia (AUA)  Ninel  Gasparyan and Mariam Davtyan  and  Foreign Relations  Division at  ASUE, which  aimed  to  develop speaking  skills,  to conduct negotiations in English,  to  hold discussions on contemporary topics,  to prepare  presentations in English,  to  do  team works, to  watch  films  in English,  which  were  followed  by  discussions.

Today  was the  last  day  of trainings. ASUE  students  presented their  presentations,  which referred to different  topics.

Students  have  chosen  modern topics such  as   “A person, who shook the world: BillGates”, “Our lovely city Yerevan” etc.

The students  who  have  initiated  the  trainings  mentioned  that their  main  goal  was  to  improve  students’ speaking  skills,  practice of  presenting  slide  shows  and  to hold  discussions  on this  topic.  Trainings  were  held on in several groups.

The  students  mentioned  that  they  have  organized  interesting games  during the  trainings, which  are  an effective  way  of  improving  speaking  skills.  Ninel  Gasparyan and  Mariam Davtyan expressed  their  gratitude to  ASUE  on behalf of Foreign Relations  Division   for  cooperation and  support.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division