Regular Seminar on Historical Issues

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Among the scientific seminars of ASUE Chairs, today the  regular one was conducted in the Chair of Philosophy and Armenian History, which was  attended  by Gagik Vardanyan, Vice Rector of Science  and International Relations, Khoren Mkhitaryan, Head of Science  and PhD  Division, the Chair’s  staff, students. Ararat Hakobyan, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, spoke on “Formation of the Single-Party System in the Soviet Armenia (the 1920s)”.

Ararat Hakobyan presented the process of formation of the Bolshevik single-party regime by the example of Soviet Armenia - the socio-political and ideological predictions of monopoly, the nature and structure of the Soviet power, the electoral discrimination system, the establishment of party nomenclature, internal party debates, their manifestations and peculiarities. He mentioned that he published a monograph on this theme a year ago and added that  Garegin Nzhdeh’s and Nikolay Berdyaev's views have served as an ideological basis.

After the speaker's speeches, questions were raised and the debate was held.


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