Researcher of “AMBERD” Center as a Participant of ““Erasmus” International Week” Project

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Gayane Tovmasyan, researcher of “AMBERD” Research Center, Ph.D in Economics, attended international week of administrative staff  conducted  at  University of Cyprus in Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, on June 12-16 within frames  of “Erasmus +” program.

““Erasmus” international week” project has 67 participants from 52 Universities in 21 countries around the World.

Gayane  Tovmasyan submitted  the  information and stated; “The 30th anniversary of “Erasmus” is celebrated this year, and the organizers have conducted everything very well.

Each of the participants brought in information materials about their country and University, and  also presented the national cuisine. The  measure  was full, there were various speeches, as well as a few lessons of Greek were conducted  for participants. A cognitive excursion to Pafos was organized, which was elected the European capital of culture in 2017. I presented  a report on “Armenian State  University of Economics  and its Research Policy” and  presented  detailed information on University structure, Departments, specialties, University International projects  and “AMBERD” Research Center with research directions. In addition I have  briefly introduced our country”.  The presentation is available at

WEEK_2016-2017/15_June_11.30-11.50_Gayane_Tovmasyan.pdf. She  mentioned that some of the participants  have  already visited Armenia, the others are  going to visit, the attendees were  impressed by history of our country and the  presented pictures.

“I've exchanged contact information with all the participants, a preliminary agreement was reached with some of them on organizing “Erasmus” program together, as well as conducting joint research or  publishing scientific articles. I have presented  the  main outcomes  of the visit to ASUE Foreign Relations Division (the coordinator  of the  mentioned program at ASUE) and staff of  “AMBERD” during a  working discussion. The  program was the wonderful chance to make new acquaintances, exchange thoughts and ideas, and gain experience, which I hope will have a positive impact on the improvement of the research and educational process at ASUE and the expansion of international cooperation”; Gayane Tovmasyan said.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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